This journey from rice to quinoa has been very good. When I first started using quinoa as a replacement for rice, I feel it might be a short-lived journey. Being...
Going ahead with the recipes for the pulav fest, today I am posting a very healthy rice dish. Murungakai or drumstick has various uses. It finds its use both in...
Here I am with yet another millet based kichadi. Today for the alphabet J for the pulav fest, it is palak jowar kichadi. I have some lovely organically homegrown palak...
For the pulav fest which we are blogging for the whole of this month alphabetically. And today it is for the alphabet I. Being an Iyengar the immediate option was...
Today is the day for alphabet H in the A-Z series of pulavs and biriyanis with millets. H is for hariyali or green pulav. In this hariyali quinoa pulav, I...
Today is day 5 of cooking with millets for this mega marathon. I have been cooking in the alphabetical order too. E is the alphabet for today and I have...
Having signed up for the pulav fest for Blogging Marathon at the last minute, the frenzied search for the recipes is obvious. The blogging for this month is going to...
Today we members of Blogging marathon are celebrating the month of April with the pulao/Kichdi/Biryani festival. We are all going to showcase 26 recipes of pulao/biryani/kichadi with different grains. I...
I was surprised looking at the ingredients for these cookies at Gayathri’s space. I have always seen all purpose flour or wheat flour being used, sometimes oats too but here...
Mokkapalat is a finnish dessert and is like a brownie. It is soft moist and the taste is taken to an enitirely different level with the icing. Very easy to...